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Copywriting services

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“Thank you for the copy. We thought it was fantastic. I felt you had a real sensitivity about the subject, grasped the essentials - and delivered in the time agreed. You said exactly what we wanted to say although we’d found it impossible to write it”.

Susan Heath, Director, Decoda.

How we work

If you already have a document or written work that needs attention, simply send it to us by email and we’ll get back to you with a few questions about who the document is aimed at and what you’re trying to achieve. We’ll then give you an estimate of the cost. There’s no charge or obligation until we get the go-ahead from you - and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how reasonable our costs are.

Email is an efficient way to work on documents together but sometimes a personal meeting is a better way to formulate the assignment. You might be starting out with a totally blank page, for instance, and need input from the beginning about how to present the project most effectively. Or you may be still in the process of developing it in your own mind, in which case we can help articulate what it is that you want to say. We can help grow your ideas into reality.

There are plenty of big copywriting agencies around with strings of freelance writers on call but the Word Wizard offers a more personalised service. We take the time and trouble to understand your brief thoroughly, and to create the right communication for you.

All documentation is treated with complete confidentiality. If required we can provide non-disclosure agreements.

Call Nick at the Word Wizard on: 01797 253485 or email

The Word Wizard - Writing and Editing Consultancy

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